Work with Kate

The world has changed and it is time to bridge the gap between a conventional approach to Women's Health & Wellness and the mind-body approach! 

Our online community, customised coaching, online courses & keynotes connect the brain-body & heart to help you unlock energy, health, vitality & success.

Which is for you?


8 weeks of mind, body and soul transformation.



1:1 Private

Customised health, healing & mindset coaching for business owners, leaders & executives.
Some of the modalities used include: blood work analysis, health coaching, nutritional & supplement advice, mental health tools, Trauma Support, Somatic release, Breathwork, Nervous system regulation, Inner Healing, Hypnotherapy & HeartHealing®
Limited availability.


Workplace Wellbeing

A healthy engaged team improves productivity, culture & mental wellbeing. Workshops, Health Consulting, Workplace Wellness series & Public Speaking Events with a focus on a science backed mind-body approach to mental health & wellness.


Adopt A Nana Network

Our heart-led, community-driven "Adopt a Nana", connects experienced grandmothers (or Aunties) with new mothers.

This initiative fosters intergenerational connections, offering practical support, wisdom, and companionship to new mothers. Grandmothers (or Aunties) share their invaluable life experiences, providing much-needed support and reducing loneliness for both generations.

I believe in a Holistic Approach to wellness


Change happens through awareness of our mindset, emotions and unconscious behaviours. In life we are never really taught how to quieten that voice in our head that says 'but maybe I'm not good enough' or 'I can't' do that AND be a good mum".
I help you gain awareness & let go of limiting beliefs along with creating positive neural pathways for your success.



Our body is always communicating with us. It might be you find yourself with physical symptoms such as; exhausted after a full nights sleep, heavy periods, freeze mode or subtle changes in your mood. I help you unlock vitality from the inside out. 



Our heart emits a powerful electromagnetic frequency but through life and experiences such as grief, disappointment & trauma we unconsciously build walls around our heart. Couped with our fast paced modern world, we are becoming more disconnected from ourselves. Through learning heart coherence, self- regulation & understanding the nervous system. I help you break down these walls around you heart,  reconnect with yourself and inner guidance. Trade fear for gratitude and rebuild that self-trust and the ability to tap into this magnetic frequency to change your external world.   

8 week group program to awaken the powerful woman within


Reprogram your subconscious mind, reconnect with yourself & activate the energy inside of you to transform your reality and live a life which sets your soul on fire!

Trade in self sabotage for self awareness,  second-guessing to decision making, prioritising your wellbeing & making time for you.

Reignite Your Spark is my signature course designed for high achieving mothers who are feeling lost, stuck, unmotivated or unsure of what next but know deep down they are ready for more!

Over 10 weeks I help you take charge of your health, your happiness and your thoughts, so that you can create the life you dream of!

Here are what some past clients have said

"My cup is fuller. I am more present. I have so much more balance. I am more productive and receptive"
"With Kate's down to earth approach and a natural ability to make others feel relaxed while not being afraid to give a gentle kick up the butt, I would describe Kate as uplifting, nurturing, safe, motivating and the missing piece of the puzzle to feeling whole again”. Vanessa
"Since doing Kate’s course I am now going to events I wouldn't normally be able to go to, I am no longer having panic attacks and I am so much happier in myself”
"I returned to the gym - it was my first time back in nearly 3 years. I am feeling so much healthier and calmer and feel like a better mother for it"

personalised coaching

Wealthy Wellness™️

Personalised Success Coaching, Healing & Subconscious Support.
Limited availability.

Here are what some past clients have said

“THANK YOU KATE. You have been such a big catalyst to change in my world and my business since I did HeartHealing with you xxx“ Kaitlyn
“I had already done a lot of personal development and this was some of the most profound experiences I've had to date and I recommend it to everyone. And for those hesitant because they haven't done something like this before? In the scheme of it all, having a sessions with Kate feels so easy because you only need to show up and she takes you on a journey and then you get a recording to take home and listen to, to anchor it all in. If you are feeling the nudge run, don’t walk. It will change your life”

self paced hypnobirthing course

Birth Beliefs™

Designed by a Midwife & Hypnotherapist – a powerful hypnobirthing course aimed at mindset, confidence, knowledge & practical tips for birth and motherhood – no matter what unfolds along your journey.

A highly transformational journey whether it is your first pregnancy or you are preparing for a more positive experience this time round... anyone who is pregnant can benefit from  the empowerment this course brings!

Currently closed for enrollment but while you are here grab my Pregnancy Top Tips Freebie – to help you on your journey.

Here are what some past clients have said

“Doing birth prep with Kate is 100% worth your time. It was so thorough and everything is explained really well. She made you understand everything that was about to take place and it really sticks with you during your labour and birth.” Lisa
"I had sessions with Kate when I was pregnant again after a traumatic first birth. Kate helped me move on from birth trauma and helped me regain my confidence. Using the techniques she taught me, I advocated for myself and went on to have the most amazing beautiful birth" Jo

"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you put upon yourself" Roy Bennett




“Thank you Kate. You have been such a big catalyst to change in my world and my business since I did HeartHealing with you xxx“


Testi - Jess 2

Having just moved to Outback Australia when I was pregnant with baby #1, Kate was a trusted source of pregnancy & midwifery support every step of my journey from conception to motherhood giving me reassurance and with her down-to-earth approach. This helped me to make informed and educated decisions along the way."


Testi - Ange 2

“I was an ‘older’ first-time mum, who was highly anxious from months of trying to conceive. Kate was able to create a positive and practical pregnancy space for me to really feel comfortable and excited about the transition to motherhood”


Career-Woman turned Mother